Hi friends , Now a days all the students are gaining knowledge by online live lectures. Among them Google Meet is best and most popular app we are using . But you might know that how to get Google Meet in Gmail and how to create or join Google meet in Gmail app.
We all use Google meet app for creating or joining the meet . But in some recent days , there is option to create Google meet in Gmail app.
Friends , first of all you have to update Gmail app to its latest version. Open the Gmail App . You will see the interface as below 👇👇👇
When you open Gmail App you will able to see the two options 1) Mails 2) Meet . As you can see in above image.
Click on the Meet option , when you open it you will see 👇👇
By clicking on Meet option in Gmail app ,you have two option
1)New Meeting : Where you can create a new meet.
2) Join with a Code: Where you can join any meet with meet code.
When you click on New Meeting option you can see the interface as like below 👇
Benefits : When you create or join meet in Gmail app ,then you can uninstall Google meet App which will realise some storage . When you create or join Google meet in Gmail app, then you will get more area of screen.
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